Cool Blue Swatches

The color of the hue by Winsor+Newton is very close to the original PB33, however the texture and granulation is no where even close. If you want a better alternative use a PB35 Cerulean. Winsor+Newton's Cerulean is the greenest and closest to Manganese Blue I have seen. I find it interesting Grumbacher had a genuine Manganese Blue in their Academy line considering it was a more expensive pigment
Handmade-PB33, Winsor+Newton-Manganese Blue PB33 (Discontinued), Blockx-Manganese Blue PB33 (Discontinued), Grumbacher Academy-Manganese Blue PB33 (Discontinued), Winsor+Newton-Manganese Blue PB15

Davinci-Cerulean Blue Genuine PB36:1, Permanent Pigments (Liquitex)-Cerulean Blue PB36 (Discontinued), Holbein-Cerulean Blue PB35, Winsor+Newton-Cerulean Blue PB35, Handmade-PB31, Schmincke-Cobalt Cerulean PB36
Daniel Smith-Blue Apatite Genuine, Mijello-Prussian Blue PB27, Winsor+Newton-Antwerp Blue PB27, Daniel Smith-Mayan Blue Genuine
 Mijello-Cerulean PB15:3, Handmade-PB15:3, Winsor+Newton-Winsor Blue (Green Shade) PB15, SoHo-Phthalo Blue PB15 (Discontinued), Turners-Phthalo Blue PB15, Schminke-Helio Turquoise PB16


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